The Team

Good day!

Although I, Tinalynge, am the author of these novels, I am not the only person who is working on providing you all with the novels that you enjoy to read.

My team, which helps me produce these novels, consists of Beta Readers, Editors, and Sparring Partners.

The team cosists of the following:



Hello! I am Tinalynge, an author who truly enjoy writing. While I have introduced my writing career multiple times, it is now time to tell you a bit about myself as a person. I am a somewhat young woman who lives in Denmark alongside my daughter. My daughter is the joy of my life and I adore her more than anything else.

I previously worked as a school teacher, but after turning to become a full time author, I have never looked back. I live in a small village, and enjoy the peace and quietness that it brings. The tranquil atmosphere is great, and I am extremely satisfied with my life.



Beta Readers:


I live in England and have a First-class Honours degree in Natural Sciences. I used to be a figure skater and still love the sport though sadly health problems prevent me skating now. I’ve been helping Tina back since the days when she was writing the brilliant Blue Phoenix series which was the first cultivator novel I’d ever read and got me hooked on the genre.


Hi, readers! I’m Kurisutine, a beta reader. I am from the Philippines and I’m studying at the University of the Philippines Diliman. I am currently a second year student.

Reading gives me joy and writing is one of my passions. I hope you are enjoying the novels written by Tinalynge. She has written a lot of novels for her readers and her dedication to writing has inspired me a lot. So, I hope these novels will inspire you, too.